Needs of the Many and Endless Recession

“ The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.”

Political systems and politicians that follow this rule succeed. All others fail. The natural order of “friends” to this golden rule, in the United States, is as follows: city councils, city mayors (closest), state legislators and governors, federal congressmen, US presidents, corporate executives, and (furthest) lobbyists.

Today, the many need employment.  The many need stable housing and credit. The many are economically challenged.  Relief was needed yesterday.

It’s not red/blue, conservative/liberal, or left/right anymore.  It’s what works.  Old-fashioned American pragmatism is the answer.  What works wins the day.

We know banks and housing are at the root of the problem.  We know throwing money at banks creates bonuses and solves nothing.  This is a learning curve. That’s strike one.

The stimulus package, plan B, is not likely to solve the problem either.  It is too little and too micro managed by congress.  The feds, we know, share blame for the present crisis.  The problem is much larger than the stimulus package and the stimulus package isn’t likely to be administered well.   Plan C is better.

Jobs, housing, foreclosures, credit, and banks are the problem, in this order.

Here’s plan C.  Create city and state credit unions financed and funded by the federal reserve.  Let city and state governments, through their new credit union, decide where the stimulus money should be spent or loaned.  Allocate a portion of funds to local mortgage and foreclosure issues.  Allocate the remainder to jobs/projects, jobs/projects, and jobs/projects, under guidelines approved by an honorable congress.  Post all expenditures, from all credit unions, on the internet so the whole world can observe what’s happening and what needs to happen.

Pour one trillion, two trillion, whatever trillion dollars, from the federal reserve, through these credit unions, into the economy.  Do this until jobs, housing, foreclosures, and credit turns around.  They will, eventually, turn around.

This is a practical solution both parties can endorse.  Plan C does not expand the federal government.  It does not nationalize the banks.  It supports city and state governments.  Republicans will like this part.  Plan C spends enough money, liberally, to solve the problem.  Democrats like this part.  Most important, it will stop an endless recession and that’s what matters.

Put the needs of the many into the hands of the many, city and state governments. America will get a “hit” in this game and before strike three.  Count on it.

Bad service requires more waiters. Fires everywhere requires more fighters. Crime requires more police. Elected oligarchy requires more congresspersons. Elected monarchy requires more presidents. America lacks governance? Keep the congress and add 11k more. Keep the president and add 8 more. Democracy disperses power. Autocracy consolidates power. Step it up, America.  Be proactive. Check out plan-b.

Citizen is coach to team democracy.  Coach is responsible for success.  It’s your call, coach.

Seeking presidential candidate (for one of 9 elected executive branch presidents) 2016

About coach2640220

#g7780 democracy shares power. 535+1 autocracy is unshared power. Citizen is coach to team democracy. Coach is responsible for success. It’s your call, coach.
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