Presidency is Too Big to Succeed

The US Presidency is the largest elected monarchy on the planet.  The executive branch has 1,664,000 civilian employees , not counting military.  The presidential management structure is a bureaucratic-pyramid-management flowchart.  This is classic autocrat management using a small elite chamber of managers and specialists.  At the bottom of the pyramid is the American electorate depending on the success of this management model.


  • The US elected autocrat Presidency has an upper size limit to expansion of power and influence that can lead to failure and a reality of “too big to succeed”.  When autocratic power exceeds its natural governance limit, failure presents itself in massive bailouts, wars, failed economic policy, and misdirection.
  • An oversized autocratic system is danger resembling a huge dinosaur, with a walnut sized brain, roaming without consciousness of direction or the trampling under foot.
  • There is a limit to elected autocratic bureaucratic-pyramid-management flowcharts that cause failure when pyramid structure becomes “too big to succeed”.    End hypothesis.

This hypothesis plays out when presidents fail.  We all have theories about successful and failed presidents.  The point is that the office and structure of the elected autocrat presidency may have internal organizational limits.

These limits require cautious accounting and management.  A failed presidency, if severe enough, can set back precious democratic advances.  It can spell tragedy for America and democracies around the world.  Does America want an autocratic presidency “too big and centralized” to succeed?

It is prudent the electorate keep watchful eye on the expanding US Presidential domain, bearing in mind there may be natural limits to the elected autocratic presidential management structure.  It is important congress understand presidential elected autocrat limits and take responsibility and governance more firmly in hand.

It’s common sense. When service in a restaurant suffers, more waiters are needed. It’s common sense. When fire breaks out everywhere, more fire fighters are needed.  It’s common sense. When crime becomes rampant, more police are needed. It’s common sense. Building a house requires enough carpenters or waiting a lifetime for results. #c535+1 didn’t build Hoover dam.  #c535+1 didn’t build the interstate highway.  Middle America did. (millions of them)

It’s common sense. When democracy morphs to elected oligarchy and America lacks governance, send help to the few surviving democratic representatives.  More representatives are required.  More presidents are required.

Apportion history of failure:
Apportion Math:
Keep the #c535+1.  Send 6800 more.   #c535+1 is elected autocrat-centered oligarchy.  #c7329 is citizen-centered democracy. The MART citizen-chamber does the right thing.  The MART autocrat-chamber gets it done. Third millennium citizen-democracy is unstoppable.  Resistance or delay is truly tragic. 

Got science?   NASA simulates Mars.  The MART #c7329 team simulates democracy.  Born red/blue?  Don’t die red/blue.

Your congress is so bad:  
Article the First failed apportionment:
Iron Law of Oligarchy:
MART defined:
Full Disclosure:
Plan B:
Transparent Budget Writing and Presentation:
Abolish the fed.
Start: #c7329 @_marp @coach1640280
Twitter: @_MARP!/_MARP @coach1640280
Audience: #c7329 #ows #occupy @OccupyTogether 

Citizen is coach to team democracy.   Coach is responsible for success.   It’s your call, coach.  #c7329  democracy shares power.   #c535+1 democracy hoards power.    It’s your call, coach.

Wanted:  7329 dedicated patriotic volunteers to secure America’s future & prosperity by forming a  #c7329 MART citizen-centered democracy team.

Wanted:  Presidential candidates (for one of 9 elected MART executive branch presidents) 2016

May the #c7329 force be with you.

About coach2640220

#g7780 democracy shares power. 535+1 autocracy is unshared power. Citizen is coach to team democracy. Coach is responsible for success. It’s your call, coach.
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