Leadership Lost

World economic leadership is measured by economic growth and jobs.

The world leader is China:

Jobs, jobs, jobs. China exports no jobs.

China is the world’s fastest-growing major economy, with average growth rates of 10% for the past 30 years.

The Chinese government leads the world in creation of productive jobs.


This is leadership.

World democratic leadership is measured in representation.

The world leader is India:

Women, women, women. Congress mandates 30% women in the legislature by law.

If elections do not produce fair representation, mandates do.


This is leadership.

Truth knows no ownership and guides indiscriminately.

Bad service requires more waiters. Fires everywhere requires more fighters. Crime requires more police. Elected oligarchy requires more congresspersons. Elected monarchy requires more presidents. America lacks governance? Keep the congress and add 11k more. Keep the president and add 8 more. Democracy disperses power. Autocracy consolidates power. Step it up, America.  Be proactive. Check out plan-b.

Citizen is coach to team democracy.  Coach is responsible for success.  It’s your call, coach.



Seeking presidential candidate (for one of 9 elected executive branch presidents) 2016

About coach2640220

#g7780 democracy shares power. 535+1 autocracy is unshared power. Citizen is coach to team democracy. Coach is responsible for success. It’s your call, coach.
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