Coach1640280 US Constitution (plan b, suggestions-all, work in progress) 2/25/13

Jefferson hair on fire 3 with webpage3

Coach1640280 re-written constitution is designed for complete legal neutrality to current constitution except for the following basic outline changes:

Legislative Branch  (now with 30,000 employees)

Total congressional representation ratio (US population/congressperson) to be maintained at 1790 levels, approximately 42,747 citizens per congressperson. This yields a congress of approximately 7000 members.

Adjustments for population growth to take place at 10 year census data periods, to maintain the 1790 cm2 representation level.  All current serving congresspersons start as part of the original 7000. Current serving representatives complete elected or appointed term, and only then, are replaced by re-election or sortition.

The Senate is half congress with 3500 members. Members are sortition assigned from all American citizenry. The judicial branch scientifically administers the sortition. Senate is not elected. The new 3500 member senate becomes the “chamber of citizens”.

House consists of half congress members (3500), elected from state congressional districts scientifically calculated by the judicial branch. The new 3500 member house becomes the “chamber of autocrats”.

Executive Branch  (now with 1,660,000 employees)

Presidency consists of 80 co-presidents, all elected.

All presidential decision requires majority of co-president signatures. This includes legislation signing, veto, pardons, executive orders, cabinet assignments, supreme court nominations, appointments, military authorities, and all other constitutional authorities given the executive branch.

Abolish the electoral college and abolish battleground states.

Judicial Branch  (now with 33,000 employees)  What? 700?

Justice, equality, and honesty in government is judicial-branch sacred responsibility.  Justice is a jury.  Equality is fairness. Honesty is transparency and participation.

The judicial branch is to consist of  700 supreme court justices with 25 year terms @ $50k (median income) salaries with following duties:

Directs and scientifically conducts unbiased sortition assignment of all senate (citizen chamber) positions using the most accurate and scientific sortition methods available to assure the most representative sample of American population. Is responsible for orientation, training, and consultant services to all new sortitioned “citizen chamber” members.

Directs and scientifically draws unbiased state congressional election districts for all 3500 house elected positions.

Is charged with proactively promoting participation in all democratic local, state, and federal elections.

Is charged with election transparency, honesty, fairness, participation, information, ease, convenience, & accessibility for all citizens. Maintains 24/7, accurate, and accessible public record of all campaign finance contributions for all elections under its charge.

Is responsible to proactively promote, create, and maintain better systems of transparency and participation in all aspects and manner of federal government activity. These activities include, but are not limited to, legislative, executive, and judicial branch budgets/outlays, policies, laws, wars, social programs, and financial regulations/management.

Creates, maintains, updates, and certifies, 24/7, an ongoing internet published federal budget webpage. Oversees the planet’s most transparent, participative, and citizen understandable federal budget publication.  Rough outline for this website is described at:

Rule of law does not equal rule by lawyers. The judicial branch is responsible to proactively open all judicial branch activity to citizen participation and observation, regardless of legal training, education, or other “qualifying” circumstance.

The judicial is responsible for maintaining continued expansion of judicial transparency, public understanding, and public access to all federal judicial systems, functions, and documents.

The judicial maintains and updates a valid public abridged version of constitutionM3, legally valid in quote and argument in all US courts, written in the vernacular to 3rd grade elementary education level comprehension. Transparency is extended to also mean “universally understood translation”. (So translate. What in the h… is this judicial document talking about?)

The judicial maintains a commission of constitutional and English language experts to assist in writing, updating, and revising the current abridged version of constitutionM3 and to assist with above stated goals.

The judicial branch is responsible to approve a vernacular abridged constitutionM3, within three years, and to maintain, update, and approve this version annually.

The judicial branch is responsible for writing, maintaining and approving vernacular abridged versions (transparent translations to 3rd grade vernacular) of all supreme court and federal case law decisions. All judicial branch legal decisions and discussions are translated into an abridged and approved vernacular version.

The judicial branch is charged with the responsibility of promoting layman/public and vernacular participation in the legal system and removing barriers to self-legal representation or other forms of popular participation in all courts.  (No law degree is required to argue before the supreme court)  This charge includes encouraged and supported self representative access to all courts, simplification of court processes, transparency of documentation, forms, filing procedures, and participation.  It includes vernacular “translations” or “abridgements” of all court participations, processes, documents, and decisions.

Rule by law does not mean rule by lawyers. Simply put, the judicial branch is charged with eliminating “lawyer” specialization and monopolization of judicial branch access and participation.  It is charged with responsibility to popularize judicial branch access and participation through vernacular communication and translation of judicial processes, improved transparency, simplification of procedures, and greater public access to and observation of judicial systems. KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid)

Are you legally smarter than a 3rd grader?  KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid)  The judicial branch is charged to assist the 3rd grader.  If the job is done right, the 3rd grader can be as legally savvy as most lawyers.  The goal is 3rd grade English participation, documentation, and understanding of all aspects of US legal process, courts, and justice system.  The goal is a totally public proactive and transparent federal judicial branch, showing leadership in all manner of transparency in government.

The judicial goal of plan-b is the most citizen participative, open, transparent, and universally understood judicial system on the planet.

Amendment 28:

  • Equal Rights Amendment:  Support at: @NationalNOW
  • Section 1. Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.
  • Section 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.

Amendment 29:

  • Separation of money and state:
  • The rights of the people, extended in this constitution shall not be construed or implied to extend to legal military, economic, social, religious, or political entities. Only individual legal citizens or congress may contribute to federal office campaigns. All campaign finance contributions are publicly recorded and limited by congress.
  • As stated above, political parties are outlawed in their role as administrators to campaign finance funding, collection, and other monetary campaign activities.  Separation of money and state also includes separation of money and political parties.
  • Renew Democracy Amendment:
  • @RenewDemocracy
  • The right of the individual qualified citizen voter to participate in and directly elect all candidates by popular vote in all pertinent local, state, and federal elections shall not be denied or abridged and the right to vote is limited to individuals.
  • The right to contribute to political campaigns and political parties is held solely by individual citizens.
  • Political campaign and political party contributions shall not exceed an amount reasonably affordable by the average American.
  • The rights of all groups, associations and organizations to other political speech may be regulated by Congress but only as to volume and not content and only to protect the right of the individual voter’s voice to be heard.

Protection of States Rights:

Concern is expressed that a sortitioned senate will jeopardize state rights as the senate is argued to be “representatives of the states”.  As “representative of the states”, the senate is argued to protect “states rights”.  A scientifically sortitioned senate will not follow state boundaries in choosing senators.  It is argued that this will jeopardize state rights and state constitutional power.  (Note:  “state rights” are still represented in house election districts)

It is proposed that Article 4 include a states “bill of rights” to protect state powers in question.  This states “bill of rights”, among other things, will address state interposition (Madison), state nullification and secession (Jefferson), unfunded federal mandates,  interstate commerce laws and power, and address other state government concerns.

State governments collectively are charged with writing their own states “bill of rights” and approving it by majority of state congresses.  As further protection for state governments, constitutional amendment to the states “bill of rights” need not require full-blown constitutional amendment procedure, but only a majority of state congressional approvals.

State rights may also be expanded using “petitions of independence” from state legislatures to the federal congress.  This method is described at:

The initial aim of the states “bill of rights” is to preserve state rights, as they existed before constitutional rewrite (cm3), not to initiate new powers or reduce the power of state governments.

How do you pay for all this government?

What’s fair pay for government officials? Ask the families of lost Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan veterans.

Government must take responsibility for American economic success, take pay decreases in times of recession and depression, and take pay increases in times of growth and prosperity.  Government employee compensation should never exceed median American income and work benefits.  When it’s time to cut back because of recession or depression, straight, equal and across the board percentage salary decreases reduce federal payroll to match failing middle America’s payroll.  The reverse takes place when the economy grows and prospers.

Greater representation in government is inexpensive because pay and benefits are tied to the American dream and never exceeds middle America’s median compensation.  Middle America citizen “owns” government.  Why should owner compensation be less than employee compensation?

Terms and definitions:

  • Constitution Millennium II, 1790 constitution as practiced currently:  ConstitutionM2 (cm2)
  • Constitution Millennium III, revised cm2 constitution, same song, second verse:  ConstitutionM3 (cm3)
It’s common sense. When service in a restaurant suffers, more waiters are needed.
It’s common sense. When fire breaks out everywhere, more fire fighters are needed. 
It’s common sense. When crime becomes rampant, more police are needed.
It’s common sense. Building a house requires enough carpenters or waiting a lifetime for results.
#c535+1 didn’t build Hoover dam.  #c535+1 didn’t build the interstate highway.  Middle America did.
It’s common sense. When democracy morphs to elected oligarchy and America lacks governance, send help to the few surviving democratic representatives.  More representatives are required.  More presidents are required.
Apportion definition:
Apportionment definition:  Apportionment politics:
Apportionment history of failure:
Apportionment Math:
Keep the #c535+1.  Send 7244 more.   
#c535+1 is elected autocrat-centered oligarchy. 
#g7780 is citizen-centered democracy.
The MART citizen-chamber does the right thing. 
The MART autocrat-chamber gets it done. 
Third millennium citizen-democracy is unstoppable. 
Resistance or delay is truly tragic.
Got science?   NASA simulates Mars.  The MART #g7780 team simulates democracy.  
Born red/blue? Don’t die red/blue.
Your congress is so bad:  
Article the First failed apportionment:
Iron Law of Oligarchy:
MART defined:
Full Disclosure:
Plan B:
Transparent Budget Writing and Presentation:
Abolish the fed.
Start: #g7780 @_marp @coach1640280
Twitter: @_MARP!/_MARP @coach1640280 Audience: #g7780 #ows #occupy @OccupyTogether
Citizen is coach to team democracy.   Coach is responsible for success.    #g7780  democracy shares power.   #c535+1 democracy hoards power.    It’s your call, coach.
Wanted:  #g7780 dedicated patriotic volunteers to secure America’s future & prosperity by forming a  #g7780 MART citizen-centered democracy team.
Wanted:  Presidential candidates (for one of 9 elected MART executive branch presidents) 2016
May the #g7780 force be with you.

About coach2640220

#g7780 democracy shares power. 535+1 autocracy is unshared power. Citizen is coach to team democracy. Coach is responsible for success. It’s your call, coach.
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3 Responses to Coach1640280 US Constitution (plan b, suggestions-all, work in progress) 2/25/13

  1. Steven Cook says:

    The original enumeration of representation was designed for a world where messages and people traveled by horse. In an age of email and teleconferencing, we do not need one representative for every 26k odd people. One per 100k or even 250k would be sufficient. A governing body of 12,000 people would be a morass of mob rule, subject to the whims of an ill informed and reactionary electorate.

    • coach1640280 says:

      Mubarak speaks similar of “mobs” in Tahrir square. 535 oligarchy fails where 12000 democracy flourishes. The technology mentioned makes the 12000 even better qualified to act together and govern.

    • coach1640280 says:

      “Ill informed and reactionary electorate” smacks of autocratic elitism. There is no autocracy or elitism in a congress of 12000. There was no autocracy or elitism in 1790. That’s why things went so smoothly at upstart. Ask Robert Michels – what happened. Michels Iron law of oligarchy played out quite nicely in the US over the past 200 years. It’s time to reboot.

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